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We provide strategic advice, support and research regarding the PV market, industry and policies, both in Sweden and in an international context. We assist companies as well as public and institutional organizations.

Below are examples of ongoing projects at Becquerel Sweden. If you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact us or read about what we can offer and what we have done in the past in market analysis, policies or research.

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As Secretary General (Johan Lindahl) and Market Analyst (Amelia Oller Westerberg) at ESMC, we work with market and policy issues for the European solar manufacturing industry. Representing the member companies towards the EU and the European Member States is an ongoing task.

Image: Voltec Solar


2011 - Ongoing, Amelia Oller Westerberg

Swedish Representative — IEA PVPS Task 1
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The International Energy Agency — Photovoltaic Power System Programme (IEA PVPS) is a collaborative research and development agreement with 27 Member States working on various aspects of PV technology. Task 1 compiles statistics and analyses global market trends, which results in annual reports.


2023 - ongoing, Johan Lindahl

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The project aims to evaluate how recently developed remote sensing and machine learning models, which provide new knowledge about the exact location and orientation of all PV installations within an area, can create value for grid owners and aggregators.

Customs data
Development - Statistical instrument
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Becquerel Sweden is running a project with the aim of developing a statistical tool for estimating installed volumes of solar cells in developing markets through customs data analysis.

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