Becquerel Sweden has a decade's experience in market issues, both in relation to the international and national PV market. Every year since 2010, we have authored and been responsible for a comprehensive report on the Swedish PV market. This report is used as a basis for the global market reports published by IEA PVPS Task 1. Over the years, a large accumulated knowledge and valuable statistics on market developments have thus been acquired.
Becquerel Sweden has a wide network of contacts, both in the Swedish and international solar cell industry, and has access to unique, detailed and in some cases non-public statistics regarding installation volumes, price development and industry.
Becquerel Sweden offers authorities and other public/institutional organizations statistical collection and market analyses regarding the PV market. Becquerel Sweden also assists other actors with analysis, such as organizations in the solar industry, in the general energy industry or financial investors with an interest in the industry.
Selection of ongoing or completed marketing assignments
Period | commission | Clients | Mission statement |
Jan 2011 - ongoing | Swedish represetant in IEA PVPS task 1 | Swedish Energy Agency | The International Energy Agency - Photovoltaic Power System Programme (IEA PVPS) is a collaborative research and development agreement within the IEA with 27 member countries working on different aspects of photovoltaic technology. Amelia Oller Westerberg represents Sweden in the program's working group "task 1", whose task is to analyze and demonstrate the development of the global PV market. Each year, the national representatives collect data on installation volumes, price developments, manufacturing, support schemes and legislation in their country and/or region. This data is first published in national reports and then jointly analyzed, resulting in market reports on the global PV market. |
Jan 2020 - Jan 2022 | Investigators — Electricity from new installations | Energy research | The aim of the project is to provide an up-to-date summary of the costs of producing electricity using the technology that is commercially available, as well as to account for the factors that affect electricity generation costs. The project is a follow-up and update of a similar project and report from 2014. Becquerel Sweden contributes with general method development, updated costs for photovoltaic technology and writing parts of the report. |
Apr 2020 - ongoing | Njord, Method development — Customs data analysis | Internal project | At Becquerel Sweden, a problem with a lack of available statistics on market developments in some parts of the world has been identified. Therefore, we are developing a statistical instrument where international trade streams of hardware are analyzed, and then transformed into an estimated installed solar power. It is hoped that the method can be used to analyse market developments in Africa and the Middle East. |
Oct 2020 - Feb 2021 | Project management and execution — Cost structure for typical villa facilities 2020 | Energy research | The project Cost structure for Swedish villa facilities examines the Swedish villa segment of the market and presents an updated cost structure. The project was commissioned by Energifors and co-financed by the Swedish Energy Agency. |
Selection of publications dealing with either the Swedish or global PV market
Swedish NSR reports
A. Oller Westerberg, J. Lindahl, National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Sweden 2022, IEA PVPS task 1 (2023).
J. Lindahl, A. Oller Westerberg, and J. Berard, National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Sweden 2021, IEA PVPS task 1 (2022).
J. Lindahl, A. Oller Westerberg, k. Vanky and J. Berard, National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Sweden 2020, IEA PVPS task 1 (2021).
J. Lindahl, M. Dahlberg Rosell, A. Oller Westerberg, and J. Berard, National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Sweden 2019, IEA PVPS task 1 (2020).
J. Lindahl, C. Stoltz, A. Oller Westerberg, and J. Berard, National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Sweden 2018, IEA PVPS task 1 (2019).
J. Lindahl, and C. Stoltz, National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Sweden 2017, IEA PVPS task 1 (2018).
J. Lindahl, National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Sweden 2016, IEA PVPS task 1 (2017)
Global overview reports from IEA PVPS
G. Masson, M. de l'Epine, I. Kaizuka, J. Lindahl, A. Oller Westerberg et al. Kaizuka, J. Lindahl, A. Oller Westerberg et al, Trends in PV Applications 2023, IEA PVPS Task 1 (2023).
G. Masson, I. Kaizuka, J. Lindahl, et al, Trends in PhotovoltaicApplications 2022, IEA PVPS Task 1 (2022)
G. Masson, I. Kaizuka, J. Lindahl, et al, Trends in Photovoltaic Applications 2021, IEA PVPS Task 1 (2022).
G. Masson, I. Kaizuka, J. Lindahl,et al... Trends in Photovoltaic Applications 2020, IEA PVPS Task 1 (2020).
G. Masson, I. Kaizuka, A. Jaeger-Waldau, A. Detollenaere, and J. Lindahl, Snapshot of Global PV Markets 2018, IEA PVPS (2019);
G. Masson, I. Kaizuka, J. Lindahl , A. Jaeger-Waldau, G. Neubourg, et al., A snapshot of global PV markets — The latest survey results on PV markets and policies from the IEA PVPS programme in 2018, Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Photovoltaic Conference Specialists (2019);
G. Masson, I. Kaizuka, J. Lindahl, A. Jaeger-Waldau, G. Neubourg, et al. , A snapshot of global PV markets — The latest survey results on PV markets and policies from the IEA PVPS programme in 2017, Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Power Conversion (2018).
G. Masson, P. Hüsser, I. Kaizuka, J. Lindahl,A. Jaeger-Waldau, et al., A snapshot of global PV markets — The latest survey results on PV markets and policies from the IEA PVPS programme 2016, Proceedings of the 32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (2016) pp. 2869–2873.
Other market reports
A. Oller Westerberg, Dominant PV trade flows in Europe 2022, the European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC) (2023).
A. Oller Westerberg, Dominant PV trade flows in Europe 2016-2020, the European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC) (2021).
J. Lindahl, et al,. Electricity from new plants, Energiforsk (2022)[Contribution through derivation of LCOE equation and background report on solar energy].
J. Lindahl & A. Oller Westerberg, PV Parks In Sweden – Key Economical Parameters, Solar Plaza (2021)
A. Oller Westerberg & J. Lindahl, Cost structure for Swedish villa systems, Energiforsk Solelsprogram (2021).
Jenny Gode, Markus Wråke, J. Lindahl, et al., Insights and choices in the energy transition- NEPP final report (2020).
A. Detollenaere, P. Silvia, G. Masson, D. Wedepohl, M. Tepper, G. Serra, and J. Lindahl, Solarize Africa Market Report, BWS and Becquerel Institute (2019).