About us

Becquerel Sweden provides strategic advice, documentation and research regarding the market, industry and regulations in both the Swedish and international solar PV industries. We assist companies, authorities as well as other public and institutional organisations.

Tekn. Dr. Johan Lindahl
johan@becquerelsweden.se, 0768-511 773

Johan Lindahl has extensive experience of market and regulatory issues concerning the photovoltaic market, both at national and international level. Partly as Secretary General of the European Solar Manufacturing Council and partly from the work as Swedish representative in the international organization IEA PVPS for ten years, where the national experts compile the annual changes in installation volumes, price development and regulations at national level and together analyze the global trends. But also from the previous role as the industry organization Swedish Solar Energy's spokesperson with responsibility for the association's advocacy work, investigations, consultation responses, statistics and advocacy towards politicians, media, authorities and various industry players.

Johan also holds a PhD in thin film solar cells of the type CIGS from Uppsala University, and from there knowledge in solid state physics/chemistry, thin film deposit with different vacuum methods, material characterization and electrical measurements of solar cell structures.

Robert Johansson

Robert has a background as a Master of Science in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). He has extensive experience in system development and has, among other things, been involved in developing eye control systems at Tobii. Since then, he has mostly worked with building web solutions and apps, including a course management system used in education in sustainable development.

At Becquerel Sweden, Robert is working on a project to detect PV installations from aerial photos and a project to calculate the optimal angle of PV parks for different locations in the Nordic region.